Sunday, 12 June 2011

Grad show prep day 1 Friday 10th June

9am start in the foundation studio, after being allocated our spaces (some in better condition than others!) the hall had been last used by the foundation students for their show, my board still had the previous persons name on it Mohammad. He had gone wild with sticky Velcro which I spent about 2 hours pulling off, filling holes and painting my space and my portfolio stand white, second coat will be applied tomorrow! After a day of painting and decorating, supplies needed to be bought so a trip to Ikea in Coventry was in order, which was a bloody nightmare as the sat nav kept falling off my screen and we got very lost in one way systems. The trip was negative as I couldn't find any suitable tables that would look appropriate for my collection and intended display. Luckily a trip to Argos yesterday was more successful.

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